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Drugs. Freedom from drug addiction

Модератор: Евгения Алексеева

Drugs. Freedom from drug addiction

Непрочитанное сообщение Ezheni » 22 апр 2012, 06:28

Talks about drugs are either sweet and romanticized or in a forbidden context. There are what's considered to be light drugs (weed, hashish...) and hard ones (psychedelic, dissociative drugs and opiates). When people under the influence of drugs dream, they dream that there are beautiful, naked girls without limits fighting for free boundless love. It is possible to find lovers of poppy milk on the streets choked with their own vomit.

Drugs don't just cause dependance and destroy health and personality. Nature provided another meaning for them. It is neither just a plant growing somewhere nor an accidental discovery of somebody who played around in their laboratory on a boring evening. Drug's appearance and spreading is quite natural. Who make up the group of people at risk of becoming addicted to drugs? How can they help themselves avert an inevitable doom?


Those who have tried drugs laugh at the inexperience of those who haven't and show off their intelligence about it, “You don't know what are you saying, the experience you gain is impossible to describe and share, it is beyond words and scientific opinions”. It is obvious, of course, that people who had been on drugs went through strong experiences that are totally different from a gray reality. They even can't realize whether their feelings were good, bad or simply strong, it is difficult to find an interpretation. A person is attracted to them by their colorful heart and open mind. Druggies give each other justifications and express the most vivid, somatic experiences, infecting others, not everyone, but those who want to understand. Who exactly (what type of person) understands this? What does it all mean?

It is quite a popular thing to hear the stories of people who play with weed and don't switch over to harder drugs. For most circles it is a kind of a new entertainment like beer or cocktails. Many people consume drugs and continue working without any side effects, on the contrary, they say they experience striking feelings, become more peaceful and calm, they're able to enjoy life more, get rid of stress and relax.

It is clear that drugs influence people in different ways. Bodily differences and the absence of chemical reactions are not the reasons. There is surely a chemical reaction, but what is more interesting is that a man has complex, specific desires, and is provided with qualities to realize them. When they fulfill these desires they feel pleasure, joy and satisfaction. Humanity as a whole has different (8 vectors) structures of fundamental desires that do not intersect each other and carry a specific function in a human group all aimed at survival. That's why it is possible that our conscious desires originated from various sources distinguish individually.

Consdier a boy, (the class weirdo who is always up in the clouds), it is necessary to scream to his ear to bring his attention to the lesson. Weirdos are people with the audial vector whose most sensitive zones are their ears. Sounds and meanings brought by sound waves and caught up in their perception directly influence the desire of a person with the audial vector. For example, a composer who can express so much through music – nonverbal feelings and bring up senses and meanings in listeners' heads. The audial people write music and they are the only ones who can understand it.

They bear the burden of eternal questions, “Who am I?”, “Why do I live?”, “What's my life's meaning?”. Since childhood there is an unconscious aspiration to understand the reasons of existence without even realizing it. Audial desire and role is specifically inside of the body, inside of humanity. They form ideas that drive the world, philosophers, theologists, astronomers, thinkers, writers, poets, psychiatrists... Everything relating to the question asked is studied, researched and tested by the audial people.


It is easy to notice them in a crowd, they have an odd, submerged look. The most of them don't take any pleasure in life. Their desire is not directed at gaining material things, they don't care what car their neighbour has, and what to wear to a party. There is no denying that sometimes they can even forget to eat. The audial desire is dominant, it's emptiness gives rise to a total inability to do anything in life till THE QUESTION is answered. Sometimes such men are not aware of the thing that bothers them, sometimes it is possible to hear them say that they don't even try to rummage in a search of universal questions. They can simply write poetry, read Nietzsche, get involved in different spiritual practices, dig into their egos and feelings. In this infinite research, “I”is a permanent subject of their observation.

It is impossible to fulfill this powerful desire and find an answer to the question “what's my life's meaning” on their own. The constant search and emptiness leads to insomnia, migraines, severe depressions, the absence of sense and the desire to live, suicidal thoughts and often suicide itself.

It is a suffering that is desirable to get rid of. The audial people know how to do it. Subconsciously we try to lessen it, to forget and destroy the desire, to do something to stop pain a little. The first step is listening to hard, deafening music, it directly effects the audial's sensitive zone, their ears. It “turns them down”. Surely any loud music can knock ears out, but the thing is that it is not about the effect it has on their body, but their psyche. Ears are the most sensitive body sense and via sounds, the audial men get the most enjoyable pleasures. The same thing happens with loud sounds that lessen the desire and suffering accordingly. Alas! Nature created us not to shirk our roles and meaning in the world. It appears not to be easy at all to refuse what they are endowed with. Anyway you look at it, it hurts.

So drugs, like other ways of lessening audial desires and sufferings, exist to interact with their absence of feeling and dissatisfaction. The presence of these conditions are the best environment for the spread of drugs. Many people who truly look for answers about themselves often gather in “special-interest” groups under the cover of common musical tastes. The harder and more cunning ones experience the deepest, drug-induced trips that they never fully get back from. They start by smoking weed, but don't stop there. In the pursuit of a false pleasure to tame their craziness (unfulfilled desire) that seethes and demands satisfaction they pass on to harder drugs and achieve the state when the audial desire is sufficiently “killed”.


It looks as if an audial man stopped searching, calmed down. The strongest intensity of popular psychedelic trips as LCD, psilocybin, mescaline, etc. emasculate and dilute the desire. A false feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment appears. The feeling that for a few sessions they cognified “eternity” appears and thus, their search is over. Of course it doesn't hurt in one way, it might though physically when there is not a dose to be taken. This type of pain is nothing compared to the constant audial cry for its unfulfilled desire. Drugs do not lead anywhere, it is a dead end. All arguments that an audial drug addict can give in order to justify themselves are just simple rationalizations of a natural function's execution having failed and their crippled, half-dead inward nature.

The best thing that can be done to get rid of a psychic drug addiction is to become conscious what is going on. Why am I on drugs? What is the purpose of it? To learn how to fulfill audial desires in a healthy way, one should study what is described in Vector Systems Psychology. Revealing even small portions of unconscious processes and desires provide us with a healthy taste of life and a feeling that you're going in the right direction. This is crucially necessary for a suffering audial person. This helps a man to leave the painful states of an environment where drugs can find their application.

The article is based on the training given for Vector Systems psychology presented by Yuri Burlan.

Original Text Author: Yuri Reisner, strategic IT-consulting expert
Translated by: Yevgeniya Chistyakova

Сообщения: 103
Зарегистрирован: 03 мар 2011, 03:15
Город: Ufa

Re: Drugs. Freedom from drug addiction

Непрочитанное сообщение Dina » 28 ноя 2018, 02:42

I used to work in the Department of toxicology on devices Hemodialysis system and Plasmapheresis. We treated patients with acute poisonings.
Quite often drug addicts have been our patients. As a rule, they were well educated, developed guys with some personality breakdown.
Only after the training, it became clear they were people having the Audial type.
And just now I understand how it is possible to help such people.
I know guys who have already got rid of this addiction.
Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 97
Зарегистрирован: 06 сен 2015, 05:14
Город: Актобе

Re: Drugs. Freedom from drug addiction

Непрочитанное сообщение Ekaterina33 » 28 ноя 2018, 14:04

Dina писал(а):I used to work in the Department of toxicology on devices Hemodialysis system and Plasmapheresis. We treated patients with acute poisonings.
Quite often drug addicts have been our patients. As a rule, they were well educated, developed guys with some personality breakdown.
Only after the training, it became clear they were people having the Audial type.
And just now I understand how it is possible to help such people.
I know guys who have already got rid of this addiction.

How? We can invite to the training? Or we give them new meaning?

Сообщения: 208
Зарегистрирован: 14 июн 2017, 07:36
Город: Россия, Нижегородская область, город Дзержинск

Re: Drugs. Freedom from drug addiction

Непрочитанное сообщение AnastasiaAU » 29 ноя 2018, 11:16

People use drugs to escape from reality, training gives you an instrument to live around people and have desire to be with them.
Анастасия Аксёнова
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Сообщения: 125
Зарегистрирован: 11 апр 2016, 04:14
Город: Melbourne.Australia - Новосибирск- Калининград

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